Violencia familiar 0

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Filio-parental violence

Filio-parental violence

Filio-parental violence (VFP) and violence of children to parents is the set of behaviorsrepeated physical aggression (hitting, shoving, throwing objects), verbal (repeated insults, threats) or nonverbal (gestures threatening,breach of valued objects) aimed at parents or adults who take their lugar14. It includes, then, threats and insults, whether performed through gestures or verbalizations, physical assault of any kind, or conscious break objects found by thevictim. Furthermore, violence must be directedagainst parents or parent figures those theyreplace, tutors, teachers, etc..
Not be included, therefore, in this definition theoccasional violence and no previous history does not repeat. This excludes, almost generalized, parricide, which has specific characteristics that set it apart and often constituted a single episode,without a prior history record. Excluded are also the parents sexual assault and assault with deadly weapons premeditated as being of a different profile, and the violence that appears in a state ofserious decline in consciousness (autism orsevere mental retardation) and not when this stateis repeated forwards: violence during intoxication,organic mental disorders, disorders of the course or content of thought, and so on.

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